Vanner Inc, 3860GCPE, Electronic Flasher, 3 Terminal 40A/24A/30A Output
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Vanner Inc, 3860GCPE, Electronic Flasher, 3 Terminal 40A/24A/30A Output

  • Model: 3860GCPE
  • Manufactured by: Vanner Inc
  • Condition: New
  • Estimated Delivery: 3 to 5 Days
  • Lead Time To Ship May Vary

$231.67 $178.21

Manufacturer Info

Premium electronic flashers designed for ambulances, fire rescue trucks and specialty vehicles

Heavy Duty Flashers Built for Reliability and Performance
Vanner manufactures a wide variety of flashers for every type of vehicle. Our flashers are designed to produce a variety of lighting patterns and sequences with a broad range of available amperage ratings. All Vanner flashers are
  • Totally electronic for extended life
  • Hermetically sealed for total protection against the elements
  • Shock and vibration resistant for reliability
  • Interference-free from radio electronic warnings, P.A. or medical diagnostic equipment
  • Equipped with a Ground Control terminal, eliminating the need for solenoids and/or high amp ON/OFF switches
  • Brochure | Download
  • Owners Manual | Download
Model 3250GCP Flasher
This two output high power electronic flasher provides 50 amps output per terminal for a total of 100 amps. This unit has output short circuit protection, reverse input voltage protection, and is quasi-current limited to protect against excessive heat. The 3250GCP alternates the flashes of two groups of lamps in a wig-wag pattern. This flasher has extraordinary heavy-duty capacity to operate under substantially greater loads. An excellent unit for extra warning lamps such as intersection, front grille, rear panel lamps and halogen bulbs.

Model 3840GCP Duo-Mode Flasher
This heavy-duty Duo-Mode electronic flasher has been designed for systems that must perform to Federal Specification for Ambulances KKK-A-1822C. This unit can be operated in two modes - Primary and Secondary. Primary mode is the standard running mode which alternates the flashes from the A warning lights to the B and C warning lights. All lamps operate at full power when in the Primary mode. The Secondary mode is normally used at the scene and alternates the flashes of the A warning lights with the B warning lights at full power with C lights off

The 3840GCP is designed with heavy-duty capacity to operate under substantial electrical loads such as grille lamps, intersection lamps, rear panel lamps, and halogen bulbs. This unit is reverse input voltage protected, patented output short circuit protected, and quasi-current limited to protect against excessive heat.

Model 3860GCP Duo-Mode Flasher
This heavy-duty, Duo-Mode electronic flasher has been designed for systems that must perform to Federal Specification for Ambulances KKK-A-1822D and E. This unit can be operated in two modes - Primary and Secondary. Primary mode is the standard running mode which alternates the flashes from the A warning lights to the B and C warning lights. All lamps operate at full power when in the Primary mode. The Secondary mode is normally used at the scene and alternates the flashes of the A warning lights with the B warning lights at full power with C lights off. The 3860GCP can be used with most incandescent and halogen warning lights.

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